音频 老师还没有上传音频哦
老师地区 欧美
教学经验 7年
擅长课程 探索自然-奇观篇独立篇GK,探索自然-奇观篇独立篇-G1,父母营养课堂-GK,亲子沟通1 合作篇,高效能父母1及以下
老师来自英国 英格兰萨里郡 毕业于萨里大学。Candy老师热衷教育事业,更热爱亚洲文化,在中国广东做了三年幼儿园老师和两年小学老师。在空余时间也会在线上教授英语以及学习中文,所以老师的中文也说得很好哦! 老师亲和力超级棒,长相可爱,声音甜美,表情,和肢体语言非常丰富,笑容非常有感染力,备课充分,根据孩子的特点来做引导,让孩子充分融入到课堂当中。课上跟孩子的互动较多
Hi there! I'm Candy I'm so excited to be your online teacher! For the past 7 years, I've had the privilege of working with students like you, both in classrooms and online. What I love most about teaching is seeing the spark of learning ignite in each student. Everyone learns differently, and my goal is to create a fun and stimulating environment where you can thrive!In our online classroom, we'll explore new concepts in ways that are engaging for all types of learners. Whether you're a visual whiz or a hands-on dynamo, we'll use a variety of tools and activities to keep things exciting. Imagine learning through games, collaborating on projects, and even using some cool online resources! This online space is all about learning, growing, and having fun together. It's also a safe place to ask questions, make mistakes, and celebrate each other's successes. We're all here to learn and support one another on this exciting journey. So, get ready to explore, create, and reach your full potential! I can't wait to meet you all and embark on this adventure together. See you in class!
