Nora K
音频 老师还没有上传音频哦
老师地区 欧美
教学经验 5年
擅长课程 探索自然-宝藏篇独立篇,探索自然-奇观篇独立篇,亲子游戏,亲子沟通1 合作篇,高效能父母1及以下
老师来自加拿大 温莎大学,是荣誉毕业生哦,硕士在中国的浙江海洋大学就读毕业,老师喜爱中国文化,所以深谙中国学生的学习之道,能够有针对性地教学。 老师温柔细心,亲和力强。课上跟孩子的互动较多,拓展丰富。老师多才多艺,还会唱歌,弹乐器呢~ 人美声甜,轻松活泼的教学风格得到了很多学员的喜爱
Hello there! My name is Nora and it is a pleasure to meet you! Let me share a little about myself. I have a master's degree. And by the way, I have a diploma with honors which I'm extremely proud of. Also, I had the incredible opportunity to study an entire semester in Chinese university. My professional journey has been quite diverse. I understand how impossible it can feel to learn a new language, but the fact that you're here means that you've taken the most challenging step, and I am ready to support you throughout the rest of your English journey. I am a positive, warm-hearted, kind, and energetic person. I also happen to be a songwriter and vocalist. I love to play guitar and compose music. Who knows maybe we could even learn English songs together? No matter what your English learning goals may be, I will help you to achieve them with fun and enthusiasm. Book a lesson with me now, and let's start our English journey together! See you in class!
