音频 老师还没有上传音频哦
老师地区 欧美
教学经验 5年
擅长课程 探索自然-奇观篇独立篇,亲子沟通1 合作篇,高效沟通,亲子活动,高效能父母2-6
老师来自美国 马萨诸塞州,有着纯正的美式口音,名校毕业,老师深谙中国学生的学习之道,能够有针对性地教学。 老师教学经验丰富,教过小学,初中,高中学生,涉及的学科范围也广,教过数学,科学,历史等。课上跟孩子的互动较多,拓展丰富,会持续跟进学生的课堂参与度并会阶段性地与家长交流反馈。 轻松活泼又不失严谨的教学风格得到了很多学员的喜爱
Hi everyone! My name is Teacher Ted, I'm 30 years old, and I've been teaching English for about five years now. I'm TEFL-certified, and even though I'm an English teacher, I have taught many other subjects as well, including math, science, and even a little bit of history. I've also taught many students from all kinds of different age groups, each one with their own unique level of English proficiency. So, it doesn't really matter how old you are or how good your English is, I believe I can help you on your English journey. I usually like to start off my lessons with a fun little warm-up game, just to get you ready for the lesson. And then, I follow that up with a couple of questions usually related to the content that we're going to handle in class, just to see if you have any previous knowledge on the topic. If you do, that's great, then I know where to start from. After that, I will start my lesson, and throughout the lesson, I like to ask a lot of questions, especially about the meaning of certain words. So, there will be a lot of vocabulary for you to practice as well. At the end of the lesson, we'll play a quick little game, just to recap everything we’ve learned. This is also a fun way for you to practice all the new vocabulary. If this is the kind of lesson that you would like to have, then please feel free to book a lesson with me, Teacher Ted. I can't wait to meet you guys! Bye!


2023-12-27 21:56
It's a pleasure to meet you, Teacher Ted, and Merry Christmas to you!I hope you do well in your work,GOODBYE!


2024-01-21 14:35


2024-04-01 14:18
Ted 老师上课非常生动有趣,互动性也强,小朋友每次上课都很期待


2024-04-19 01:03