Ella J
音频 老师还没有上传音频哦
老师地区 菲律宾
教学经验 8年
Ella老师有超过8年线上老师的工作经验,老师非常温柔耐心,就像一位大姐姐一样一步一步地耐心地引导孩子们学习英语. Ella老师上课活泼可爱,上课氛围感强烈,互动好。 Ella 擅于鼓励学员,纠错,多样化灵活教学,拒绝重复。同时老师也爱笑,亲和力很强,学员太喜欢上Ella老师的课程了~
Hello everyone! My name is Ella. I am so excited to be your online English teacher. I have a passion for teaching and helping students like you improve their English skills. I can help you improve your listening, reading, writing and speaking skills. Together, we will have a fun and engaging learning experience where we can explore the English language through games, activities, and conversations. Are you ready to take your English skills to the next level? Join me in my online English lessons, and together we'll explore the magical world of language learning. In our lessons, you'll discover new words, practice speaking with confidence, and unlock your potential as a fluent English speaker. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to have fun while mastering English. So, grab a seat, buckle up, and let's begin on this exciting journey together. Book your lesson now and let's make English learning an adventure you'll never forget! I can't wait to meet all of you and embark on this wonderful learning journey together. Let's have a great time while becoming confident English speakers! Welcome to ehello, and say hello to the world.
