Teacher Ru(茹)
音频 老师还没有上传音频哦
老师地区 欧美
教学经验 6年
擅长课程 探索自然-奇观篇独立篇-G2-G6,亲子沟通1 合作篇,高效沟通,高效能父母2-6,青少儿应试
茹老师有英语授课资格证书TEFL,她的课堂趣味性十足,多年的工作经验让老师能hold住各年龄段的学员~ 在课堂里,老师还能给小朋友“变”出教材内提及的水果和动物哦~快来跟茹老师上课一鉴真伪哦~ 老师10年线上教学经验。亲和力强,能跟学员建立很好的互动; 老师会根据学员的水平,调整自己的教学思路和语速,让学员能够更好地融入课堂; 老师之前是大学老师,知识点讲解清晰,笔记认真,教学专业。学员的需求老师会认真对待,最大程度帮助学生提高自己的英语。 新媒体文化总监的经历让老师知道沟通和表达能力在商务中的重要性。
Hello, my name is Teacher Ru. During my career, I have worked as a successful businessperson, been a lecturer at university and been a playschool teacher. I have a passion for sharing knowledge and developing potential in people whether they are young or old, university students, business people, or small children. I think having fun while learning is very important! I have obtained my TEFL certificate, and Bachelor of Honours Degree in Corporate Communication and a Diploma in Public Relations and Marketing. My teaching experience includes teaching students at university and online. I also have experience teaching pre-primary children in the classroom and young children of all ages online. I am fluent in English which is my native language. My teaching style is very interactive and allows for the students to speak more. Students enjoy my kind and patient personality. I am passionate about people, knowledge, and inquiring minds and therefore enjoy teaching. I hope to see you in my class soon.


2023-08-02 19:34
非常好 能明白孩子的兴趣所在


2023-10-23 22:37
Thank you, Ms. RU, for your hard working and for being able to discover Alan's strengths and weaknesses in just a few minutes of course learning, and provide accurate guidance on improving his direction.Thanks a lot!